The Rock Star Autobiography Podcast
The Rock Star Autobiography Podcast is a bi-weekly podcast for music lovers by music's two biggest fans, Christian and Martha. Join them as they review autobiographies by the greatest and most famous musicians in history, and hear them share their candid insights into the musicians behind them.
The Rock Star Autobiography Podcast
Bruce Springsteen: Born to Run | Season 4: Ep. 6
Season 4
Episode 6
Bruce Springsteen is a polarizing figure. His fans are die-hard, and they even famously refer to him as The Boss. Critics revere him, extolling him as the working man's poet. And of course, "You've just got to see him live." Other people, however, write actual lists on the internet about why they "hate" him (Reason Number 6: the earring). But you can't polarize people unless you've made it big, folks, and he did just that in the 80s when he announced that he was Born in The United States of America! That bandana! The jeans! The oiled muscles! Courtney Cox! But was the blue-collar Jersey boy born to write? Does his prose have the human touch? Find out as our hosts head through Bruce's tunnel of love and get a bad desire.